Ewing Walker Orthopaedic Vet Northern Ireland
Vet Ortho Referrals at Portadown & Richhill, Co Armagh
028 38 871942
Orthopaedic & Spinal Referrals

Spinal Trauma & Fracture

Spinal Trauma & Fracture
Spinal fracture surgery is also performed in selected appropriate cases utilising spinal plating techniques and external fixation methods when there is evidence of an intact spinal pathway
Meet some of our spinal trauma patients

Here at the clinic we see and treat many patients in need of orthopaedic treatment, some close to home, and others further afield.
Whilst we perform orthopaedic surgery on a daily basis, spinal cases require a great deal of intense nursing ...and treatment. In the past two weeks we have seen seven spinal dogs, which has meant our nurses have been exceptionally busy providing constant care and daily physiotherapy. This week we have five spinal dogs recuperating in the clinic, some of which have been with us for some time now.
Every spinal case becomes like a little member of our team as they recover and we are often sad to see them leave.
In the picture below are some of our team, together with our five very special inpatients. Monty the Labrador had spinal surgery to fuse three vertebrae in his neck which had collapsed, causing severe pain.
Archie the 1 year old Chihuahua/Yorkie returned this morning for a check up after having fractured his spine following a road traffic accident. He was unable to walk but is now home in time for Christmas and doing very well.
Tilly the Shih Tzu had surgery two weeks ago for a prolapsed disc in her back. She is doing well and is due to return home in the next few days.
Poppy the Pug is in the early stages of recovery after having a prolapsed disc surgery just this week.
Doogle the Daschund also had emergency surgery this week to remove an exploded disc in his back which meant he was unable to move his hind legs on arrival.
Spinal patients are extremely brave during their stay and it is their patience and never failing love of affection that make caring for them so enjoyable and rewarding.
Oscar's Story

Oscar's fractured thoracic spine from falling from a wall, resulted in hind leg paralysis. Surgery to align his broken back and stabilise it with an external fixator allowed him to walk again

5 Days post surgery- standing with some support

6 weeks post surgery- able to walk without assistance
Oscars broken back before surgery

Oscar was referred from his own vets following his fall with a suspected disc prolapse as he was unable to walk or stand at all on his hind legs. Spinal radiographs showed he had in fact broken his back with a crush fracture of T11 which had also moved out of line with T12 so that the spinal cord was being trapped. Fortunately he still had sensation in his hind legs, although he was unable to move then and they were rigidity extended out.
A major surgery was performed to approach the fracture- align it and and hold it in place with 2 small crossed pins at the joint through articular facets in his spine, and then fix it in place with a framework of orthopaedic implants as an external fixator. The first photo above show Oscar standing with some support 5 days after surgery.
Oscar visited us many times over the following months for assessment. He was always pleased to see us, and often it was hard to take a photo as he did not like to stay still!
He made excellent progress until finally after 5 months we removed the fixator.

Fixator in place at bandage changes

Left and above: At 3 & 5 months- Do I have to stay still for the camera?
Oscar day after fixator removal

Charlie's Story
A Road traffic accident left Charlie unable to walk due to a crush fracture of his lumbar spine. Surgery to align his spine and secure it with plates and screw internal fixator returned him to full activity

Charlie- 2 weeks post surgery- ready for home
Charlie- at his 4 weeks post surgery visit